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Delos Toole's Where To Find ARIZONA'S Placer Gold Toole, Delos
$ 49.95
MAPS on every page hand drawn for accuracy! MAPS on every page with directions to the gold site. Roads, trails, camp sites, Federal Forestry, State Forestry and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) FREE-USE gold mining sites are indicated in the book and on the maps. Geological, noble, rare-earth metals and minerals. Rivers, water-runs with placer gravel locations. Rules and regulations for State, Federal and BLM agencies governing dredging, hand panning, metal detecting, gold nugget sniping and rocker sluicing. ARIZONA is a highly mineralized state with much of its land open to the public for prospecting and mineral searching. Go into the back-country with caution! Published by Delos Toole., 1996, paperback, 144 pages.