R.I.P. Robert Molner, founder of Wide World of Maps, Inc.
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Tables of Computed Altitude and Azimuth: Latitudes 40-49 Inclusive (H.O. Pub. No. 214, Vol. V) [Hardcover] U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office

$ 18.00
These tables consist of tabulated solutions of the navigational triangle, so arranged as to yield computed altitude and azimuth angle by inspection. The scheme of precomputing such values for ready use is a long-established one. It is in the scope, arrangement, and convenience of interpolation, developed by the Hydrographic Office, that these tables are unique. The tables are applicable equally to observations of the sun, moon, planets, and navigational stars, whether observed in north or south latitude. For convenience, the values for only 10 degrees of latitude are included in each volume. This series of tables, commonly known as H.O. Pub No. 214, is intended primarily for marine navigation. In the 1967 reprint, the basic information and tabular data remain unchanged. Previous printings of this volume need not be replaced by this reprint (taken from the Preface). RKV-99.TablesComputedAltitude&Azimuth

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