R.I.P. Robert Molner, founder of Wide World of Maps, Inc.
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Wide World Maps & MORE!

Africa (Scale 1:5,000,000) [Map] Yusuke Ujimiya; Tran Dinh Cuong and Lan Joyce

$ 14.95
Africa is a huge continent. No one apart from us has successfully prepared a digital database for the entire continent and this edition includes numerous updates to road information and shifting political realities. We have updated roads whenever reliable data indicates improvements. Politically, we all know of things that do not affect maps, but generally the continent of 54 nation states and a few colonial enclaves has survived rather well. Tourism is gradually recovering, and map sales improving. This is a very important map in that it brings all of the countries and islands relative to the African continent into perspective. We are pleased to bring to your attention an updated version of a part of the world that is crucially important. 47508-2015ed

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