Arizona Game and Fish Department
Arizona Game & Fish Department Game Management Unit 30A Outdoor Recreation Map
$ 36.95
$ 39.95
A comprehensive, two-sided hunting map, made of tear resistant and waterproof paper. It shows land ownership status, game information, climate info, shaded relief, topographic and hypsographic contours, forest service roads and numbers, campgrounds, and major highways into the unit. It also indexes the 7.5' topographic maps for those that need better detail of a particular area.
- Projection: UTM (black) and Latitude & Longitude (red)
- Datum: NAD27
- Size: 4.5" × 9" folded; 27" × 36" unfolded
- Obverse map features topographic and hypsographic data for Hunt Units 29 & 30A
- Reverse map features surface management data for Hunt Units 29 & 30A
- Both sides feature an index to USGS 7.5' topographic maps
- The main sidebar provides useful statistics for hunters
- Other sidebars indicate various rules, regulations, top violations, and etiquette for hunting
- Two-sided, self-cover, plastic folded map