R.I.P. Robert Molner, founder of Wide World of Maps, Inc.
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Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings and Pipe [Technical Paper No. 410] [Spiral-bound] Crane Co. Staff

$ 41.95
So extensive are the applications of hydraulic and fluid mechanics that almost every engineer has found it necessary to familiarize themselves with at least the elementary laws of fluid flow. In Technical Paper No. 410 Crane has endeavored to present the latest available information on flow of fluids, in summarized form with all auxiliary data necessary to the solution of all but the most unusual fluid flow problems. Theory is presented in Chapters 1 and 2; practical application to flow problems in Chapters 3 and 4; physical properties of fluids and flow characteristics of valves, fittings, and pipe in Appendix A; and, conversion units and other useful engineering data in Appendix B. CONTENTS: 1) Theory of Flow in Pipe 2) Flow of Fluids Through Valves and Fittings 3) Formulas and Nomographs for Flow Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe 4) Examples of Flow Problems APPENDIX A: Physical Properties of Fluids and Flow Characteristics of Valves, Fittings, and Pipe APPENDIX B: Engineering Data RKV-124.FlowOfFLuids

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