Wide World Maps & MORE!
Geologic Cross-Sections of Arizona
$ 19.99
M-7-Geologic Cross-Sections of Arizona Gloss Laminmated, by R.T. Moore and E.D. Wilson, 1962, scale 1:190,000. A 24" x 27" Index Map for Geologic Cross-Sections of Arizona showing all cross-section lines is included with the following sheets. Complete set!
* M-7-1-Sheet One, Sections 1, 2, and 3. (38.25" x 26")
* M-7-2-Sheet Two, Sections 4, 5, and 6. (38.25" x 26")
* M-7-3-Sheet Three, Sections 7 and 8. (38.25" x 17")
- 3 Geological Cross-Section Sheets
- 1 Base Map of Arizona showing locations of the Cross-Sections