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Grand Canyon, Arizona (7.5'×7.5' Orthographic Quadrangle)
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$ 28.95
Grand Cyn, AZ 1992 USGS 7.5 - minute orthographic quadrangle map. Orthophotos combine the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map.
- Product Details
- Product Number: 18039
- Scale: 1:24,000
- Content: Aerial
- Version Date: 09/09/1992
- Regions: AZ
- Countries: USA
- Latitude: 36° 07' 30" N to 36° 0' 0" N
- Longitude: 112° 15' 0" W to 112° 07' 30" W
- Media: Paper
- Format: Flat
- Historical Reproduction: Yes
- Additional Details
- Description: United States Geological Survey Grand Canyon, Arizona Historical Map Reprint 7.5×7.5 Grid 24000-Scale 1992
- Height In Inches: 27.000
- Length In Inches: 22.000
- Boundary Type: Quadrangle
- Horizontal Datum: North American 1983; North American 1927
- Vertical Datum: National Geodetic 1929
- Two-Sided: No
- Plates: 1
- Pieces: 1
- Languages: English