Wilderness Adventures Press
Lee's Ferry: Glen Canyon Dam to Lee's Ferry
The Lee's Ferry section of the Colorado River is a 15-or-so-mile stretch that begins at Glen Canyon Dam and extends to the town of Lee's Ferry. It offers some of the best rainbow trout fishing in the West, in an area not known for huge fish.
This general reference map features boat launches, gaging stations, dams, roads & streets, primary highways, airports, cautions & warnings, fishing access points, US Route numbers, Arizona Route numbers, campgrounds, GPS coordinates, Page, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and the Navajo Indian Reservation.
There is also a Lee's Ferry Hatches table which is broken down by each month of the year.
Two-sided, self-cover, paper folded map.
Size: 5.75" Ã 11" folded; 17" Ã 11" unfolded
- GPS coordinates for every access point, boat ramp, many bridges, campgrounds and more
- All public land is shown
- River miles are shown for hiking distances
- River description
- Hatch chart, Recommended flies