R.I.P. Robert Molner, founder of Wide World of Maps, Inc.
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Prospecting for Gold: From Dogtown to Virginia City, 1852-64 - Wide World Maps & MORE! - Book - Wide World Maps & MORE! - Wide World Maps & MORE!

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Prospecting for Gold: From Dogtown to Virginia City, 1852-64

$ 19.95
The Montana Frontier, 1852–1864 was originally published in 1925 as Volume I of Granville Stuart's classic Forty Years on the Frontier, based on his reminiscences and journals. The opening chapter reviews his early years in Virginia, Illinois, and Iowa; the narrative proper begins in 1852 when the eighteen-year-old Stuart headed for California with his father and his brother James. ("There was not a habitation from the Missouri river until the small settlement of Salt Lake was reached; nor one from Salt Lake until the Sierra Nevada mountains were crossed.") The volume covers his experiences in California, including an account of the Rogue River War, and describes how—almost fortuitously—he was able to confirm rumors of gold in present-day Montana. Because they lacked equipment and supplies, the Stuart brothers were unable to cash in on their find until 1860; during the interim they were traders along the emigrant road near Fort Bridger. After 1860 Stuart became a permanent resident of Deer Lodge; in 1864, thanks in great part to his efforts, Montana became a United States territory. Read more RKV-4.ProspectingGold1852-64

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