United States Department of the Interior
Salome Surface Management Status 1:100,000-Scale Topographic Map (Arizona)
$ 15.95
$ 20.95
Bureau of Land Management 60 × 30 minute quadrangle showing contours and elevations in meters; highways, roads, and other man-made structures; water features; surface management status; and geographic names.
- BLM topographic map @ 1:100,000 metric scale (roughly 3/4 inch to 1 mile).
- Map includes six BLM wilderness areas, a large amount of BLM land, and a small north section of Kofa National Wildlife Refuge.
- Useful for OHV/4WD driving, hunting, primitive camping, hiking, and scenic driving.
- Use the map for AZ Hunting Units 41, 42, 44A, and 44B.
- 2018.
- One-sided, self-cover, paper/non-laminated folded map.