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The Western art of Harold Von Schmidt Von Schmidt, Harold
$ 15.00
Peacock Press/Bantam Book [Published date: 1976]. Paper covers, [8] pages of text (unpaginated) plus 44 single sided leaves of plates : color illustrations ; 23 x 28 cm. edited and with an introd. by Walt Reed. Plates include the following works: The white bull; Rounding the Horn; Gold is discovered at Sutter's mill; Prospectors panning for gold;A starting point for the wagon trains; Westward the covered wagons roll; Indians attack by stampeding buffalo; Gully washer; Rough going over the Sierras; Eden valley; Leaving forlorn valley; The Apache curse; Comanche arrow; Gun runners; Girl captive; Race with death; U.S. cavalry at Fort Laramie;Ghost column; Fools ride in; Fight by firelight;Returning troops; Rally on the wagons!; Fetterman massacre;Custer's last stand;Stampeding horses through Indian camp;Calvary charge;Mustered out;Ambush at the water hole; Mexican raiders;Sutler's daughter; Cold riding; Bunch quitters;Prospector and lost man; Home sweet home; Warning shot; Trail head burial; Rustlers at work; Couple by lantern light;Evening courtship; Bushwackers; Posse;In San Francisco, life was gay; Fight for the cabin; Reach or draw!;Shooting it out.