R.I.P. Robert Molner, founder of Wide World of Maps, Inc.
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Michelin Travel & Lifestyle

The World 1:28,500,000

$ 12.95

(Edition 17.1 updated in 2022) Updated regularly, Michelin National Map 701 The World will give you an overall picture of the World thanks to its clear and accurate mapping scale 1/28,500,000. Our map will help you easily help you identify the different countries of the world, their administrative boundaries as well their main road networks. With Michelin National Maps, find more than just your way!

Michelin National Maps feature:

  • Up-to-date mapping
  • A scale adapted to the size of the country or countries covered
  • A clear and comprehensive key
  • Distance and time chart
  • Place name index
  • Driving and road safety information
  • Tourist sights information
  • One-sided folded map

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