GTR Mapping
Topographic Recreational Map of Western Montana
$ 9.95
This detailed travel map includes Interstates, exit numbers, highways, and many more local roads than typical highway maps; topographic contours every 1,000 feet; color shaded every 2,000 feet above 4,000 feet; and features include national forests, wildernesses, campgrounds, parks, state fishing access sites, ski areas, mining districts, points of interest, and more.
- ISBN 13: 978-1-881262-32-9
- UPC: 7 42663 59510 2
- Size: 24" × 33"
- Folded: 4-1/8" × 9"
- Scale: 1 inch = 12.5 miles
- Paper/Non-Laminated
- 2019 Edition
- Two-sided, self-cover, paper/non-laminated folded map