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Umatilla National Forest - Walla Walla Ranger District
$ 38.95
Year: 2013 Scale: 1:63,360 Topographic Lines: Yes Weatherproof Plastic The Walla Walla Ranger District stretches from Dayton, WA in the north to I-84 and Meacham, OR in the south, and from Elgin, OR and the Grande Ronde River in the east to the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation in the west. It includes land in five counties and two states with a broad diversity of natural resources and an equally broad diversity of users. The Ranger District offers many opportunities to recreate, from two commercial ski areas to developed campsites, from cabin rentals to miles and miles of trails, and from snowmobile and cross-country ski areas paths to fishing opportunities. The area is full of historic sites like the Whitman Route (C-7), used by Dr. Marcus and Narcissa Whitman as they made the journey over the mountains to their future home at Whitman Mission.
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