R.I.P. Robert Molner, founder of Wide World of Maps, Inc.
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Vancouver Northshore Travel Map [Map] ITMB Canada

$ 16.95
Vancouver's Northshore Hiking Trails 1:40,000 / Vancouver's Northshore Mountains 1:250,000

This double sided recreation map includes on one side a topographic hiking map of Vancouver's North Shore and the extensive hiking trail system from Cypress Provincial Park to Indian Arm Provincial Park, showing all major and many minor roads, hiking trails, and watershed boundaries at a scale of 1:40,000 (1 " to 3,300 feet).

Map shows railroads, hiking trails, skiing, rock climbing areas, mountain biking areas, beaches, points of interest, significant trees, picnic sites, campgrounds, huts, and viewpoints. Includes insets of Cypress Provincial Park, Capilano River Regional Park, and Lynn Canyon. Legend is in English.

The reverse side includes a less detailed topographic map, at scale 1:250,000, that covers the area of the Coast Mountains just north of Vancouver, stretching some 200 km in the west-east direction, and reaching just past Mount Currie in the north. This map is excellent for exploring the area by car (1 inch to 4 miles).


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